Word Meaning Occurrences
philippi Philippi 8
philippus Philip 83
philisthaea Philisthaea 2
philisthaeus Philistine 61
philisthiim the Philistines, Palestine 147
philisthinus Philistine 61
philologus Philologus 2
philometor Philometor 3
philosophia philosophy 2
philosophus philosopher 2
phinees Phinees 27
phinon Phinon 2
phison Phison 2
phithom Phithom 1
phithon Phithon 2
phlegon Phlegon 2
phochereth Phochereth 2
phoebe Phoebe 2
phoenice Phoenicia 14
phogor Phogor 7
phollathi Phollathi 1
phoratha Phoratha 1
phosech Phosech 1
phrygia Phrygia 6
phryx of Phrygia, Phrygian 1
phua Phua 5
phuaites Phuaite 1
phul Phul 3
phunon Phunon 2
phur Phur, Purim 6
phut Phut 1
phuth Phuth 1
phutiel Phutiel 1
phylacterium phylactery 2
piaculum sin-offering, atonement 5
pictura painting, picture 8
pie piously 5
pietas piety, dutifulness 38
piger lazy, idle 28
piget it displeases, irks 1
pigmaeus Pygmaean 1
pigmentarius dealer in unguents 6
pigmentum color, paint 4
pignero to pledge, give as a pledge 1
pignus pledge, token 20
pigredo slothfulness, indolence 1
pigritia sloth, sluggishness 1
pigritor to be slow, sluggish 2
pila mortar; ball 2
pilatus Pilate 110
pilosus hairy, shaggy 6
pilum pestle, heavy javelin 3
pilus hair 24
pincerna cupbearer 9
pineus of the pine, pine tree 1
pingo to paint 4
pinguedo fat, fatness 13
pinguesco to grow fat, be fattened 1
pinguis fat 43
pinna feather, wing 2
pinnaculum peak, pinnacle 2
pinnula little wing, fin 5
pinus pine tree, fir tree 2
piscator fisherman 13
pisciculus little fish 4
piscina pond, pool 23
piscis fish 96
piscor to fish 3
pisidia Pisidia 4
pisticus pure, genuine 2
pistor miller, baker 5
pistorius of a baker 1
pittacium small piece of parchment, cloth patch 1
pius dutiful, pious 7
pix pitch 6
placabilis favorable, acceptable 12
placatio pacifying, propitiating 2
placens agreeable, pleasing 9
placenta cake 2
placeo to please, be acceptable 253