Word Meaning Occurrences
pernocto to pass the night 3
peroro to speak from beginning to end, to conclude 1
perpaucus very little, very few 3
perpendiculum plumb line, plummet 2
perperam wrongly, falsely 2
perpetior to bear steadfastly, stand out 4
perpetro to bring about, accomplish 17
perpetuo constantly, uninterruptedly 2
perpetuus perpetual, unending 71
perplexus interwoven, intricate 1
perquiro to ask diligently after 9
persa Persian 41
perscrutor to search through, examine 4
persecutio chase, pursuit 35
persecutor persecutor 7
persenilis very old, aged 1
persepolis Persepolis 1
persequor to pursue, persecute 217
perses Persian, native of Persia 2
perseverans persevering, persistent 5
perseverantia steadfastness, perseverance 2
persevero to continue, persist 43
persis Persis, Persia 14
persisto to abide, persist 1
persona mask, face 48
persono to sound, resound 10
perspicio to look closely at, to perceive 17
perspicuus transparent, clear 4
perstillo to leak, drip 3
perstrepo to make much noise 2
perstringo to bind closely, press hard 1
persuadeo to convince, persuade 11
persuasibilis convincing, persuasive 2
persuasio convincing, persuasion 3
persuasus convinced, settled 2
perterreo to frighten thoroughly, terrify 18
pertimeo to fear greatly 2
pertimesco to be frightened, be alarmed 8
pertinax very tenacious, stubborn 1
pertineo to pertain to, concern 61
pertingo to reach, extend 11
pertracto to touch, handle 2
pertranseo to pass through, pass by 96
pertundo to thrust through, bore through 1
perturbatio confusion, disorder 6
perturbo to confuse, disturb 8
perurgeo to press, urge on 4
pervagor to wander over, range through 1
pervalidus very strong, profound 1
pervenio to come to, arrive at 109
perverse perversely, crookedly 2
perversus crooked, perverse 29
perverto to turn around, to subvert 14
pervideo to look over, look on 1
pervigilo to remain awake all night, to keep watch 2
pervius passable, accessible 1
pervulgo to make publicly known 1
pes foot 468
pessimo to ruin 3
pessulus bolt 1
pestifer destructive, pestilential 4
pestilens pestilential, unwholesome 8
pestilentia pestilence, plague 25
pestis plague, pestilence 22
petitio request 24
peto to seek, ask 183
petra rock, stone 124
petrosus full of rocks, rocky 9
petrus Peter 316
phacee Phacee 11
phaceias Phaceias 3
phadaia Phadaia 8
phadassur Phadassur 5
phadon Phadon 2
phahath Phahath 4
phahathmoab Phahathmoab 2
phalaia Phalaia 2
phalanx battalion, phalanx 1
phalea Phalea 1
phaleg Phaleg 9