Word Meaning Occurrences
pennula little wing 2
pensitatio payment, recompense 1
pentacontarchus commander of fifty men 1
pentapolis Pentapolis 1
pentecoste Pentecost 7
penula cloak 2
penuria poverty, need 15
pepo melon 1
per through, by 2412
pera bag, purse 17
perago to carry through, to complete 2
peragro to wander through, travel 4
perambulo to pass through, go about 42
perantiquus very ancient 1
percello to beat down, throw down 2
percipio to receive, obtain 42
percrebresco to become frequent 4
percunctor to ask particularly, inquire 1
percurro to run, run along 4
percussio beating, striking 1
percussor striker, murderer 11
percussura blow, stroke 4
percutio to strike, smite 607
perditio ruin, destruction 74
perditus lost, ruined 9
perdix partridge 3
perdo to lose, to destroy 180
perduco to lead through, bring 40
perduro lost, ruined 2
pereffluo to flow through, to forget 2
peregre abroad, away from home 15
peregrinatio travel, sojourning 16
peregrinor to go abroad, wander 35
peregrinus foreign, stranger 57
peremptor murderer, destroyer 1
perendie on the day after tomorrow 2
perennis lasting through the year 1
pereo to pass away, perish 307
perfecte completely, perfectly 3
perfectio completion, perfection 7
perfectus complete, perfect; completion, perfection 85
perfero to carry through, bring convey 15
perficio to accomplish, complete 115
perflo to blow through, blow over 2
perfodio to pierce 10
perforo to bore through, pierce 10
perfringo to shatter, to force one's way through 1
perfruor to enjoy fully, be delighted 6
perfuga deserter 3
perfundo to pour over, bathe 7
perfungor to fulfill, perform 1
pergamum Pergamum 4
perge Perge 6
pergo to go, proceed 176
pergrandis very great, vast 1
perhibeo to present, bring forward 86
peribolus circuit, enclosure 3
periclitor to test, try 12
periculosus dangerous, hazardous 5
periculum danger, peril 41
perimo to take away entirely, destroy 12
peripsema offscouring, refuse 2
periscelis anklet, garter 2
peritia experience, practical knowledge 3
peritus experienced, skillful 5
perizoma girdle 1
perjurium false oath, perjury 1
perjuro to swear falsely, to forswear 4
perjurus perjured, swearing falsely 4
perlinio to bedaub, plaster 2
perlucidus transparent, very bright 2
permagnificus very magnificent 1
permaneo to remain, continue 150
permisceo to mix together 1
permissus permission 2
permitto to permit, allow 55
permodicus very small 1
permundo to cleanse thoroughly 2
permutatio change, alteration 1
pernicies destruction, death 3