Word Meaning Occurrences
pater father 2029
paterfamilias head of a household 23
paternitas fatherhood, descendants of one father 2
paternus of a father, paternal 11
patibulum gibbet 10
patiens enduring, patient 29
patienter patiently 13
patientia patience 102
patior to bear, suffer 207
patmos Patmos 2
patria native land, country 32
patriarcha patriarch 10
patrius paternal, ancestral 12
patro to accomplish, perform 3
patrobas Patrobas 2
patroclus Patroclus 1
patruelis of a father’s brother 6
patruus paternal uncle 20
paucitas scarcity 5
pauculus very few, very little 1
paucus few, little 97
paulatim little by little, gradually 14
paulisper for a short time 7
paulo a little, by a little 9
paululum a little 33
paululus very little 6
paulus Paul 318
pauper poor 261
pauperculus poor, poor little 6
pauperies poverty, limited means 1
paupertas poverty 22
pauxillum a little 1
pauxillus little, a little 9
paveo to fear, be afraid 46
pavidus trembling, fearful 6
pavimentum hard floor, pavement 18
pavor trembling, fear 37
pavus peacock 2
pax peace 460
paxillus stake, peg 14
peccans sinful 8
peccator transgressor, sinner 226
peccatrix female sinner, sinful 10
peccatum fault, error 819
pecco to err, sin 330
pecto to comb 1
pectoralis pectoral, belonging to the breast 2
pectus breast, chest 22
pectusculum little breast, breast-bone 9
peculiaris one's own 4
peculium private property 3
pecunia wealth, money 149
pecus cattle, herd; cattle, herd animal 111
pedalis of a foot, length of a foot 1
pedes foot-soldier 26
pedester on foot 4
pedica shackle, fetter 2
pedissequa female attendant, handmaid 2
pedissequus attendant, page 1
pejero to swear falsely, to forswear 3
pelagus sea 4
pelethaeus Pelethite 1
pellicanus pelican 1
pellicatus concubinage 1
pelliceus made of skins 8
pellicio to allure, entice 4
pellicula small skin 1
pellis skin, hide 55
pelta light, crescent-shaped shield 3
pelusium Pelusium 2
pelvis basin, laver 3
pendeo to hang, hang down 32
pene almost 15
penes with, in the possession of 7
penetrabilis penetrable, piercing 2
penetralia interior, inner rooms 5
penetro to enter, penetrate 12
penitus altogether, utterly 22
penna feather, wing 26
pennatus furnished with wings, winged 3