Word Meaning Occurrences
palmira Palmira 1
palmus palm of the hand, span 9
palmyra Palmyra 1
palor to wander, straggle 2
palpatio trembling, terror 1
palpebra eyelid 9
palpito to tremble, quiver 2
palpo to touch softly, feel 11
palus marsh, swamp; stake, pale 7
paluster marshy, swampy 2
pamphylia Pamphylia 11
pando to spread out, extend 6
pango to fix, make fast 30
panifica female baker 1
panis bread 499
pannus piece of cloth, rag 16
paphus Paphus 4
papilio butterfly, moth 3
papula pustule, pimple 2
papyrio papyrus marsh, sedges 1
papyrus papyrus, paper reed 1
par equal, match 13
parabola comparison, parable 117
paraclitus advocate, intercessor 8
paradisus paradise 29
paralysis palsy, paralysis 1
paralyticus palsied, paralytic 28
parasceve Parasceve, day of preparation 12
paratura preparation 1
paratus ready, prepared 79
parce sparingly, meagerly 5
parco to spare 103
parcus sparing, frugal 1
pardus panther 10
parens parent, father or mother 78
pareo to appear, be visible 22
paries wall 80
parietinae fallen walls, ruins 1
pario to bear, bring forth 171
pariter equally, together 87
parius Parius 2
parmenas Parmenas 2
paro to make ready, prepare 168
paropsis dessert dish, dish 6
parricida one who murders his father, parricide 2
pars part, portion 568
parthus Parthian, native of Parthia 2
particeps partaking, sharing 47
participatio sharing, participation 5
participo to share in, partake of 10
particula small part, bit 2
particulatim bit by bit 1
partior to share, divide 8
partitio sharing, parting 2
parturio to be in labor 43
partus giving birth, delivery 13
parum little, too little 22
parumper for a little while 3
parvipendo to consider of little worth 4
parvulus very small, child 168
parvus small 182
pascha Pasch, Passover 61
pasco to feed, tend 126
pascua pasture 14
pascualis grazing, fattened 2
pascuum pasture 19
passer sparrow 25
passibilis capable of suffering 4
passim here and there, indiscriminately 1
passio suffering, enduring 40
passus step, pace; spread out, dried 10
pastino to prepare the ground for planting 2
pastophorium shrine, chamber in a temple 2
pastor shepherd, keeper 127
pastoralis of shepherds, pastoral 1
pastus pasture, feed 6
patara Patara 2
patefacio to lay open, throw open 4
patens open, wide 8
pateo to be open, be exposed 8