Word Meaning Occurrences
objurgo to chide, scold 3
oblatio offering, sacrifice 118
oblectamentum pleasure, amusement 1
oblectatio delight 5
oblecto to delight, divert 6
obligatio binding, entangling 3
obligo to bind up, bandage 6
obliquus slanting, oblique 4
oblivio forgetting, forgetfulness 30
obliviosus forgetful, oblivious 2
obliviscor to forget 125
oblivium forgetfulness, oblivion 2
obloquor to speak against, interrupt 1
obmutesco to become dumb, be silent 14
obnixe with all one’s strength 2
obnoxius liable to punishment, guilty 7
obolus obol, small Greek coin 5
oborior to arise, appear 1
oboth Oboth 3
obrigesco to stiffen 2
obrizus refined, pure 5
obruo to overwhelm, overthrow 12
obscuro to darken, obscure 24
obscurus dark, obscure 10
obsecratio prayer, supplication 29
obsecro to pray, implore 135
obsequium compliance, obedience 16
obsequor to comply, yield 3
observabilis to be observed 1
observantia observance 1
observatio watching, observance 11
observo to watch, observe 94
obses hostage 9
obsideo to besiege 53
obsidio siege 15
obsigno to seal, seal up 2
obsisto to stand against, to oppose 2
obsordesco to become dirty, be soiled 1
obstetrico assist in childbirth 3
obstetrix midwife 6
obstinatus resolved, obstinate 1
obstringo to shut in, confine 1
obstruo to block, stop up 8
obstupefacio to stun, astonish 2
obstupesco to become senseless, to be astonished 38
obsurdesco to become deaf 1
obtego to cover over, cover up 1
obtempero to comply, obey 6
obtendo to spread before, stretch over 1
obtenebresco to grow dark 1
obtenebro to make dark, to darken 6
obtentus pretense, pretext 4
obtero to bruise, crush 1
obtestor to call as a witness, protest 1
obtineo to take hold of, possess 74
obtingo to fall to the lot of, befall 1
obtundo to blunt, weaken 2
obturatio stopping up 1
obturo to stop up, close 13
obumbratio shadow, darkness 2
obumbro to overshadow, shade 16
obviam towards, to meet 50
obvio to meet 12
obvius in the way, so as to meet 9
obvolvo to wrap up 6
occasio occasion, opportunity 28
occasus falling, going down 24
occidens sunset, west 49
occidentalis western, westerly 24
occido to strike down, kill; to fall, go down 449
occisio killing, slaughter 21
occludo to shut up, close 2
occubitus going down, setting 3
occulte secretly 12
occulto to hide, conceal 13
occultus hidden, secret 40
occumbo to fall, sink down 16
occupatio seizing, occupying 2
occupo to take possession of, to occupy 38
occurro to run up to, meet 111