Word Meaning Occurrences
mollis soft, tender 15
mollities pliability, flexibility 1
molo to grind in a mill 8
moloch Moloch 13
momentaneus short, momentary 2
momentum slightest movement, moment 20
moneo to remind, put in mind of 13
moneta coinage, money 1
monile necklace, collar 8
monimentum memorial, monument 11
monitum admonition, advice 2
mons mountain 725
monstro to show, point out 16
monstrum evil omen, unnatural thing 9
montanus mountainous 28
montosus mountainous, mountainous parts 1
montuosus mountainous 3
monumentum monument, tomb 98
moos Moos 1
mophim Mophim 1
mora delay 15
morasthi Morasthi 1
morasthites Morasthite 1
mordeo to bite 13
moria Moria 1
morior to die 815
moror to delay, to stay 95
mors death 551
morsus bite, sting 4
mortalis subject to death, mortal 24
mortariolum small mortar 20
mortarium mortar 2
morticinus of a dead animal, carcass 21
mortifer deadly 7
mortificatio putting to death 2
mortifico to kill, to mortify 18
mortuus dead 345
morus mulberry tree 3
mos custom, manner 50
mosa Mosa 6
mosel Mosel 1
mosera Mosera 1
moseroth Moseroth 2
mosobab Mosobab 1
mosoch Mosoch 8
mosollam Mosollam 23
mosollamia Mosollamia 1
mosollamith Mosollamith 1
mosollamoth Mosollamoth 2
motabilis moving, mobile 1
motio moving, motion 2
motus movement, motion 12
moveo to move 160
mox soon 7
moyses Moses 831
mucro sharp point, edge 4
mugio to low, bellow 6
mugitus lowing, bellowing 1
mula she-mule, mule 4
mulcta fine, penalty 1
mulcto to punish, fine 1
mulgeo to milk 2
muliebris womanly 9
mulier woman 682
muliercula little woman 2
mulsum honey-wine, wine mixed with honey 1
multicolor of many colors 2
multifariam in many places 3
multiformis diverse, manifold 4
multigenus of many kinds, various 1
multiloquium talkativeness 3
multiplex manifold, numerous 9
multiplicatio increasing, multiplication 3
multipliciter in many ways 3
multiplico to multiply, increase 176
multitudo great number, multitude 427
multivolus of many desires, wishing for many 1
multo by much, by far 67
multum very much, very 67
multus much, many 1428