Word Meaning Occurrences
miraculum marvel, miracle 9
mirifico wonderful, amazing 4
miror to be amazed, to admire 103
mirus wonderful 7
misaam Misaam 1
misach Misach 15
misael Misael 10
misceo to mix, mingle 44
miser wretched, unfortunate 14
miserabilis pitiable, miserable 7
miseratio pity, compassion 39
miserator one who pities 9
misereor to have mercy, pity 204
miseria misery, wretchedness 21
misericordia pity, mercy 427
misericors tenderhearted, merciful 45
miseror to pity, have mercy 7
misor Misor 1
misphat Misphat 1
mite mildly, gently 1
mithridates Mithridates 2
mitigatio soothing 1
mitigo to soften, make tender 8
mitis mild, gentle 12
mitra turban, mitre 9
mitto to send 1561
mitylene Mitylene 2
mixtura mixture 2
mna Greek unit of currency, pound 25
mnason Mnason 2
mnestheus Mnestheus 1
moab Moab 154
moabites Moabite 24
moabitis of Moab, Moabite 14
moadia Moadia 1
mobilis easy to move, movable 6
mobonnai Mobonnai 1
mochona Mochona 1
mochori Mochori 1
moderate with moderation 2
moderatus moderate 1
moderor to set limits, to rule 2
modeste with moderation, modestly 2
modestia moderation, modesty 14
modestus moderate, modest 13
modico a little 3
modicum a little, a little while 36
modicus little, scanty 88
modin Modin 9
modiolus nave, hub of a wheel 1
modius Roman dry measure, peck 24
modo only, now 50
modulor to measure off properly, to tune 1
modus measure, manner 88
moechia adultery 1
moechor to commit adultery 35
moechus adulterer, fornicator 1
moenia defensive walls, ramparts 4
moereo to mourn, grieve 19
moeror mourning, grief 16
moestitia sorrow, grief 2
moestus sad, sorrowful 5
mohola Mohola 1
moholi Moholi 13
moholites Moholite 1
mola millstone 17
molada Molada 4
molaris of a millstone 7
molathi Molathi 1
molathites Molathite 1
molchom Molchom 1
moles mass, bulk 4
moleste with annoyance 1
molestia trouble, annoyance 6
molesto to trouble, annoy 1
molestus troublesome, annoying 27
molid Molid 1
molior to work at, attempt 9
mollesco to become soft, soften 1
mollio to make soft, make supple 3