Word Meaning Occurrences
mathan Mathan 7
mathanai Mathanai 3
mathania Mathania 8
mathanias Mathanias 6
mathaniau Mathaniau 1
mathanites Mathanite 1
mathat Mathat 4
mathatha Mathatha 3
mathathias Mathathias 26
mathias Mathias 4
mathusael Mathusael 2
mathusala Mathusala 3
mathusale Mathusale 1
mathusalem Mathusalem 2
matred Matred 2
matricida matricide 2
matrimonium wedlock, marriage 7
matthaeus Matthew 10
matthana Matthana 2
matthanias Matthanias 1
matthias Matthias 1
mature seasonably, opportunely 4
maturesco to ripen, mature 2
maturitas ripeness, maturity 3
maturo to ripen, mature 1
maturus ripe, mature 2
matutinus morning, belonging to the morning 29
maumam Maumam 1
mausoleum magnificent tomb, mausoleum 1
maviael Maviael 2
maxilla jaw, cheek 25
maxime most of all, especially 34
mecha Mecha 1
mecherathites Mecherathite 1
mechmas Mechmas 1
mechnedebai Mechnedebai 1
medaba Medaba 5
medad Medad 2
meddin Meddin 1
medela cure, remedy 3
medemena Medemena 2
medena Medena 1
medeor to heal, cure 3
media Media 3
mediator mediator 13
medicamen drug, medicine 3
medicamentum drug, remedy 4
medicina healing, medicine 4
medicus medical, physician 26
medietas middle 6
medio to halve, divide in the middle 2
mediocris of middling size, medium 1
meditatio thinking over, meditation 12
mediterraneus inland, interior 1
meditor to meditate, consider 36
medium middle, midst 586
medius middle, midst 135
medulla marrow 8
medullatus full of marrow, rich 3
medus Median, Mede 34
meetabel Meetabel 2
megbis Megbis 1
megphias Megphias 1
mehusim Mehusim 1
mejarcon Mejarcon 1
mel honey 70
melaleel Melaleel 1
melcha Melcha 10
melchi Melchi 4
melchia Melchia 6
melchias Melchias 11
melchiel Melchiel 3
melchielites Melchielite 1
melchiram Melchiram 1
melchisedech Melchisedech 18
melchisua Melchisua 3
melchiusa Melchiusa 2
melchom Melchom 6
melea Melea 2
melech Melech 2