Word Meaning Occurrences
manhu manhu 1
manicae sleeves, handcuffs 2
manico to come in the morning 2
manifestatio manifestation 4
manifeste openly, plainly 17
manifesto to manifest, make known 89
manifestus clear, evident 73
manilius Manilius 1
manipulus bundle, sheaf 14
manna manna 16
mano to flow, run 11
mansio abode, dwelling 8
mansiuncula little room, chamber 1
mansueto to tame 1
mansuetudo tameness, meekness 26
mansuetus tame, meek 19
manubiae spoils, booty 6
manubrium handle, hilt 1
manue Manue 12
manufactus made by hand 11
manus hand 2073
maoch Maoch 1
maon Maon 7
maonathi Maonathi 2
maozim Maozim 2
mapsam Mapsam 1
mara Mara 6
marai Marai 1
maraia Maraia 1
maraioth Maraioth 3
maran the Lord 2
marceo to wilt, droop 1
marcesco to wither, droop 10
marcidus withered, wasted 1
marcus Mark 16
mardochaeus Mardochai 55
mardochai Mardochai 1
mare sea 588
mares Mares 1
maresa Maresa 9
mareth Mareth 1
margarita pearl 18
margaritum pearl 1
margino to border, enclose 1
margo edge, brink 1
maria Mary 122
mariam Mariam 1
marimuth Marimuth 2
marinus of the sea 1
maritalis belonging to married people, conjugal 1
maritimus of the sea, maritime 13
maritus married man, husband 32
marma Marma 1
marmor marble 6
marmoreus made of marble 2
marsana Marsana 1
marsupium purse 2
martha Martha 28
martyr witness, martyr 2
mas male, masculine 11
masal Masal 2
masaloth Masaloth 1
masculinus male, manly 33
masculus male, masculine 60
masepha Masepha 1
maserephoth Maserephoth 2
masereus Maserite 1
masia Masia 1
masma Masma 4
masmana Masmana 1
masobia Masobia 1
maspha Maspha 22
masphath Masphath 21
masphe Masphe 2
masreca Masreca 2
massa kneaded dough, lump; Massa 16
mater mother 408
materfamilias mistress of a household, matron 3
materia matter, material 4
matertera mother's sister 1