Word Meaning Occurrences
magnificentia magnificence, grandeur 26
magnifico to make much of, praise highly 116
magnificus great, elevated 12
magniloquus boastful 2
magnitudo greatness, abundance 56
magnopere very much, greatly 1
magnus great, large 1337
magog Magog 6
magron Magron 2
magus wise-man, magician 27
mahalath Mahalath 1
mahalon Mahalon 4
mahanaim Mahanaim 1
maharai Maharai 2
mahath Mahath 5
mahazioth Mahazioth 2
maheleth Maheleth 1
mahida Mahida 2
mahir Mahir 1
mahol Mahol 1
mahumites Mahumite 1
maiman Maiman 1
majestas majesty, glory 46
malachias Malachias, Malachi 1
malagma poultice 1
malalai Malalai 1
malaleel Malaleel 8
malasar Malasar 2
malchus Malchus 2
male badly 63
maledico to speak evil of, to curse 117
maledictio cursing, curse 55
maledictum curse 36
maledictus accursed 50
maledicus abusive, scurrilous 9
malefacio to do evil, do harm 13
malefactor evildoer 6
maleficium evil deed, crime 5
maleficus wicked, criminal 12
malevolus ill-disposed, spiteful 2
malignitas spite, ill will 6
maligno to contrive maliciously 1
malignor to do evil, act maliciously 11
malignus evil, malicious 30
malitia evil, ill-will 123
malitiose wickedly 1
malitiosus wicked 1
malleator hammerer, smith 2
malleolus small hammer, mallet-shaped slip 1
malleus hammer, mallet 12
mallotes inhabitant of Mallos 1
malo to choose rather, prefer 2
maloch Maloch 2
malogranatum pomegranate 18
malum evil, evil deed; apple 606
malus bad, evil; upright pole, mast; apple tree 338
mambre Mambre 11
mambres Mambres 2
mamilla breast, nipple 3
mamma breast, nipple 5
mammona mammon, riches 8
mamuchan Mamuchan 3
mamzer one of illegitimate birth, bastard 1
man manna 6
manahat Manahat 1
manahath Manahath 2
manahem Manahem 8
manahen Manahen 2
manaim Manaim 5
manasse Manasses, Manasseh 69
manasses Manasses 80
mancipium property, possession 5
mancipo to give over as property, transfer 1
mandatum command 316
mandibula jaw 3
mando to command; to chew 136
mandragoras mandrake 6
manduco to chew, eat 321
mane morning, early; mane 212
maneo to remain 378