Word Meaning Occurrences
longaevus long-lived, aged 9
longanimis long-suffering, patient 2
longanimitas patience, forbearance 12
longanimiter patiently 2
longe far off, by far 149
longinquo afar, far away 3
longinquus far, distant 28
longitudo length, duration 93
longiturnitas duration 1
longiturnus long, of long duration 1
longus long, far 47
loomim Loomim 1
loquacitas talkativeness, loquacity 1
loquela speech, language 17
loquor to speak 1899
loramentum thong, fastening 1
lorica breastplate 25
loricatus clothed in mail, harnessed 2
lorico to clothe in mail, to harness 1
lorum thong, strap 5
lot Lot 37
lotan Lotan 7
loth Loth, Lot 2
lubrico to make slippery, lubricate 1
lubricus slippery, uncertain 4
lucas Luke 6
lucens shining 3
luceo to give light, shine 39
lucerna lamp, lantern 78
lucesco to begin to shine, dawn 2
lucide clearly, distinctly 1
lucidus bright, full of light 16
lucifer light-bringer, morning star 6
lucius Lucius 5
lucrifacio to gain, win 10
lucrifio to gain, win 2
lucror to gain, win 17
lucrum gain, profit 19
luctor to wrestle 1
luctus mourning, grief 57
lucus grove 37
lud Lud 2
ludibrium mockery 4
ludim Ludim 2
ludo to play 29
ludus play, game 1
lugeo to mourn, bewail 79
lugubris of mourning, mournful 4
luith Luith 2
lumbare girdle, apron 8
lumbus loin 52
lumen light 119
luminare light, lamp 15
luna moon 58
lunaticus epileptic, moon-struck 4
lunula little moon, ornament worn by women 1
luo to loose, set free 1
lupanar brothel 5
lupus wolf 20
luscus one-eyed 3
lustratio purification by sacrifice 2
lustro to purify, to traverse 14
lusus playing, game 1
luter hand basin, laver 9
luteus of clay 3
lutum mud, clay 52
lux light 195
luxuria extravagance, excess 25
luxurior to revel 6
luxuriose luxuriously, wantonly 2
luxuriosus luxurious, extravagant 6
luza Luza 7
lycaonia Lycaonia 2
lycaonice Lycaonice 2
lycia Lycia 3
lyda Lyda 1
lydda Lydda 6
lydia Lydia 5
lydius Lȳdius 2
lydus Lydus 2