Word Meaning Occurrences
liberalis befitting of a free man, generous 2
liberatio freeing, releasing 2
liberator deliverer, liberator 5
libere freely 5
libero to set free 283
libertas freedom 32
libertinus belonging to a freedman 2
libertus freedman, emancipated slave 2
libet it pleases, is pleasing 3
libido desire, lust 11
libo to pour out as an offering 26
libra balance, pair of scales 4
librarius copyist, scribe 1
libratio leveling, weighing 1
libro to balance, poise 2
libum drink-offering, libation 7
libya Libya 5
libys Libys 6
licentia freedom, liberty 5
licet it is lawful, permitted 93
liciatorium weaver's beam 4
licitus permitted 5
licium cross thread, thread 2
lictor lictor, official attendant 5
ligatura band, amulet 4
lignarius of wood, working in work 1
ligneus of wood, wooden 26
lignum wood, tree 330
ligo to bind; hoe, mattock 66
ligurius a kind of precious stone, hyacinth 2
lilium lily 30
lima file 1
limen threshold, lintel 24
limo to file, whet 5
limpidus limpid, transparent 7
limus slime, mud 3
linea string, line 8
lineus of flax, linen 35
lingo to lick 7
lingua tongue, language 281
linguatus full of tongue, quarrelsome 2
linguosus talkative 2
linio to daub, plaster 16
linitio anointing 1
lino to daub, anoint 5
linteamen linen cloth 9
linteolum small linen cloth 1
linteum linen cloth, sheet 10
linum flax, linen 16
linus Linus 2
lippus blear-eyed, inflamed 2
liquefacio to melt 6
liquefio to liquefy, melt 1
liqueo to be fluid, to be clear 1
liquesco to become liquid, melt 3
lis strife, dispute 10
lithostrotos Lithostrotos 2
litigiosus quarrelsome 8
litigo to dispute, quarrel 11
lito to make an acceptable sacrifice 1
littera letter 63
litteratura writing, letters 1
litteratus lettered, learned 2
littus shore, beach 26
litura smearing, daubing 1
lividus of a leaden color, bluish 3
livor bluish color, bruise 10
lobna Lobna 9
lobni Lobni 5
loco to place, put 10
loculus coffin, coffer 7
locuples rich, wealthy 9
locupletatio riches 1
locupleto to make rich, enrich 12
locus place, space 894
locusta locust 39
lod Lod 4
lodabar Lodabar 3
lois Lois 2
longaevitas long life, longevity 1