Word Meaning Occurrences
latussim Latussim 1
laudabilis praiseworthy 15
laudatio praising, praise 10
laudo to praise 233
laus praise 125
lavacrum laver, basin 6
lavatio bathing 1
lavo to wash 167
laxo to extend, make wide 8
laxus wide, loose 1
lazarus Lazarus 30
leaena lioness 14
lebana Lebana 2
lebes copper basin, pan 16
lebna Lebna 8
lebni Lebni 1
lebniticus Lebnite 1
leboath Leboath 1
lebona Lebona 1
lecha Lecha 1
lechi Lechi 1
leci Leci 1
lectica litter, portable couch 1
lectio selecting, reading 8
lectulus small couch, bed 32
lectus couch, bed 48
lecum Lecum 1
lecythus flask, bottle 3
ledan Ledan 3
leedan Leedan 3
legatio legation, embassy 13
legatum bequest, legacy 1
legatus legate, deputy 19
legifer lawgiving 1
legio legion 16
legislatio giving of the law 2
legislator lawgiver 5
legisperitus lawyer 16
legitime according to law, lawfully 4
legitimus prescribed by law, lawful 35
lego to gather, to read 132
legumen leguminous plant, pulse 2
leheman Leheman 1
leheth Leheth 2
lenio to soften, mollify 4
lenis soft, smooth 4
lenitas softness, mildness 4
leniter softly, gently 1
lens lentil 4
lenticula lentil, shallow vessel 3
lentus pliant, flexible 1
leo lion 161
lepra leprosy 65
leprosus leprous, leper 34
lepus hare 2
lepusculus little hare, hare 1
lesa Lesa 1
lesem Lesem 2
leunculus small lion 9
levi Levi 83
leviathan Leviathan 4
levigo to make smooth 1
levis light 16
levita Levite 5
levitas lightness, frivolity 4
leviter lightly, easily 3
levites Levite 241
leviticus Levitical, Levite 20
levo to lift up, raise 163
lex law 811
lia Lia, Leah 23
libamen libation, drink-offering 41
libamentum drink-offering, libation 19
libanus Lebanon, frankincense 75
libatio drink-offering, libation 8
libatorium vessel for offering libations 1
libellus little book, notice 12
libens willing, glad 1
libenter willingly, gladly 26
liber inner bark of a tree, book; free; child; Liber, Bacchus 237