Word Meaning Occurrences
laevus left, on the left side 1
laganum cake 8
lagena vessel, bottle 9
laguncula small bottle 9
lahela Lahela 1
lahem Lahem 1
laicus belonging to the laity, not consecrated 1
lais Lais 6
laisa Laisa 2
lambo to lick up, lap up 7
lamech Lamech 12
lamentatio wailing, lamentation 8
lamentatrix she who bewails 1
lamento to lament 6
lamentor to wail, moan 2
lamentum wailing, lamentation 8
lamia witch, sorceress 2
lamina plate, lamina 25
lamma lamma 4
lampada lamp, torch 1
lampas lamp, torch 29
lampsacus Lampsacus 1
lamuel Lamuel 2
lana wool 16
lancea lance, spear 28
lanceatus made into a lance, pierced with a lance 1
lanceola small lance 1
lanciarius spearman 2
laneus of wool, woolen 3
langueo to languish, be faint 12
languesco to become faint, grow weak 2
languidus faint, weak 10
languor feebleness, sickness 37
lanugo woolly substance, down 1
laodicensis of Laodicea, Laodicean 4
laodicia Laodicia 10
laomim Laomim 1
lapicidinae quarry 2
lapidarius stonecutter 1
lapideus made of stone 29
lapido to throw stones at, stone 49
lapidoth Lapidoth 1
lapillus little stone, pebble 2
lapis stone 396
lappa bur 2
lapsus falling, slipping 4
laquear paneled ceiling 4
laqueatus paneled, fretted 1
laqueus noose, snare 69
largior to give bountifully, lavish 6
largitas bounty, abundance 1
largiter much, plentifully 2
largus plentiful, bountiful 2
larus ravenous seabird, gull 2
lascivio to be wanton, sport 5
lascivus wanton, petulant 1
lassesco to grow weary, tired 1
lassitudo faintness, weariness 2
lasso to tire, make faint 4
lassus tired, weary 21
lasthenes Lasthenes 2
late widely 2
latenter secretly 3
lateo to be hidden 39
later brick, tile 18
latericius made of bricks 1
laterna lantern, lamp 2
latibulum hiding place 7
latine in the Latin language 4
latinus Latin 2
latito to lie hidden 10
latitudo breadth, width 118
latomus stonecutter 4
latrina bath, latrine 1
latro robber; to bark 53
latrocinium robbery, piracy 1
latrocinor to engage in robbery 1
latrunculus robber, raider 11
latus side; broad, wide 126
latusim Latusim 1