Word Meaning Occurrences
jugerum acre 2
jugis continual 11
jugiter always, continually 27
jugulo to cut the throat, kill 10
jugum yoke 75
julia Julia 2
julius Julius 4
jumentum beast of burden 134
junctura joining, uniting 15
juncus rush, bulrush 2
jungo to join, unite 59
junias Junias 2
juniperus juniper tree 3
juppiter Jove, Jupiter 8
juramentum oath, vow 62
juratio swearing, oath 1
jurator swearer 1
jurgium quarrel, strife 16
jurgor to quarrel, to censure 9
juro to swear, take an oath 217
jus right, law; broth, juice 30
jusjurandum oath 28
jussio order, command 9
jussum order, command 8
jussus order, command 2
juste rightly, justly 21
justificatio justification, righteousness 56
justifico to justify, make just 119
justitia justice, righteousness 494
justus just, upright 531
juvencula young woman 4
juvenculus young man 1
juvenilis youthful, juvenile 2
juvenis young, youth 109
juventus youth, age of youth 35
juvo to help, aid 2
juxta near to, according to 648
laabim Laabim 2
laad Laad 1
laada Laada 1
laadan Laadan 1
laban Laban 30
labana Labana 1
labanath Labanath 1
labium lip 160
labor toil, trouble; to slip, slide 130
laboriose laboriously 1
laboriosus full of toil, laborious 3
laboro to labor, toil 120
labrum basin, tub 9
labrusca wild vine, wild grape 3
lac milk 60
lacedaemones Lacedaemones 1
laceratio tearing, rending 1
lacero to tear to pieces, mangle 13
lacerta lizard 1
lacertus upper arm, arm 1
lacesso to excite, provoke 1
lachis Lachis 23
lacinia edge, corner 2
lacrima tear, teardrop 65
lacrimabilis worthy of tears, lamentable 1
lacrimatio weeping 1
lacrimor to weep 7
lacteo to suck milk 10
lacto to nurse, give suck; to allure, entice 10
lactuca lettuce 2
lacuna pit, hole 1
lacus pit, lake 72
laedo to hurt, wound 32
lael Lael 1
laesio hurting, injuring 2
laesura harm, injury 2
laetabundus joyful 1
laetifico to make glad 30
laetitia joy, gladness 92
laetor to rejoice, be glad 172
laetus glad, cheerful 7
laeva left hand, left side 8
laevigo to make smooth 3