Word Meaning Occurrences
intersto to stand, be between 1
intersum to be present, to interest 4
intervallum space between, interval 4
intervenio to come between, come upon 1
intestina intestines, entrails 11
intexo to weave in, inweave 3
intimus inmost, deepest 2
intingo to dip, soak 15
intolerabilis irresistible, intolerable 3
intolerandus insupportable, intolerable 1
intolerantia unbearableness 1
intono to thunder 4
intonsus unshorn, unshaven 1
intra inside, within 90
intremo to tremble at 1
intrinsecus inside, inwardly 38
intro to go into, enter; inside, within 338
introduco to lead in, bring in 104
introductio bringing in, introduction 2
introeo to go in, enter 243
introfero to carry in, bring in 1
introgredior to enter 8
introitus entrance 86
intromitto to send in, let in 2
introspicio to look into, look at 1
intueor to look upon, observe 69
intuitus look, view 6
intumesco to swell up 11
intus inside, within 44
inultus unavenged, unpunished 1
inundatio flood, deluge 7
inundo to overflow, inundate 26
inungo to anoint 2
inutilis useless, unprofitable 38
inutilitas uselessness 2
invado to enter, to attack 22
invalesco to become strong, to prevail 19
invalidus weak, infirm 2
invenio to find 896
inventio discovery, invention 5
inventor contriver, inventor 3
investigabilis able to be searched into 5
investigatio searching into, investigation 1
investigator examiner 2
investigo to track down, search into 28
inveterasco to grow old, become fixed 6
invetero to grow old, to endure 1
invicem one another, mutually 206
invictus unconquered 2
invideo to envy, grudge 10
invidia envy, grudge 32
invidus envious, grudging 3
inviolatus inviolate, intact 3
invisibilis invisible, unseen 16
inviso to look after, go to see 4
invisus unseen 5
invito to invite, entertain 23
invitus unwilling 4
invius impassible, inaccessible 18
invocatio invocation 1
invoco to call upon 177
involucrum wrapper, covering 1
involumentum covering, wrapping 1
involvo to roll up, wrap 39
invulnerabilis invulnerable 1
ipse he, himself 2862
ira anger; Ira 310
iracundia anger, wrath 61
iracundus irascible, angry 10
irad Irad 2
irascor to be angry 178
iris rainbow 4
irrationabilis without reason, irrational 2
irreligiosus irreligious, impious 1
irremediabilis irremediable, beyond cure 1
irreprehensibilis blameless 11
irretio to catch, entangle 2
irreverens disrespectful, irreverent 1
irreverentia irreverence, disrespect 3
irrevocabilis irrevocable, irreversible 1