Word Meaning Occurrences
insons guiltless, innocent 4
inspectio looking into, inspection 2
inspector examiner, viewer 1
insperate unexpectedly 1
insperatus unhoped for 3
inspicio to look at, consider 13
inspiratio inspiration 5
inspiro to blow upon, breathe into 7
instabilis unsteady 8
instabilitas instability 1
instanter earnestly 5
instantia urgency, earnestness 5
instar image, likeness 12
instauratio renewing, restoration 5
instauro to renew, restore 33
instigo to goad on, urge 1
instita bandage 2
institor merchant 6
instituo to put in place, plant 7
institutio disposition, arrangement 5
institutum ordinance, custom 5
insto to be near, draw near 42
instrumentum implement, utensil 2
instruo to build, to instruct 33
insufflo to blow, breathe into 4
insula island 62
insulsus unsalted, without taste 3
insulto to leap upon, trample upon 3
insum to be in, be upon 2
insumo to take for, apply 2
insuper moreover, besides 60
insurgo to rise up, rise against 22
insuspicabilis not thought of, unexpected 2
intactus untouched, uninjured 2
integer whole, untainted 18
integritas completeness, soundness 3
intellectus understanding, thought 70
intelligentia understanding, intelligence 29
intelligibilis intelligible, capable of understanding 2
intelligo to understand, perceive 277
intempestus unseasonable, unpropitious 1
intendo to stretch, turn toward 53
intentator one who does not tempt 2
intente earnestly, intently 1
intentio stretching, straining 2
intentus attentive, intent 4
inter between, among 566
intercedo to come between, intervene 6
intercido to cut asunder, divide 1
intercludo to shut out, shut off 1
intercolumnium space between two columns 1
interdum sometimes, occasionally 2
interea meanwhile 8
intereo to perish 39
interfectio killing, murder 17
interfector killer, murderer 7
interfectrix murderess 1
interficio to kill 461
interim meanwhile 3
interimo to do away with, to destroy 7
interior inner, interior 57
interitio destruction, ruin 1
interitus destruction, ruin 60
interminatus unbounded, endless 2
intermissio intermission, interruption 19
intermitto to leave off, interrupt 7
intermorior to die, die off 1
internecio massacre, slaughter 16
internus inward, internal 2
intero to rub in, crumble in 1
interpello to accost, call upon 15
interpono to put between, place among 6
interpres middleman, mediator 5
interpretatio explanation, interpretation 37
interpretor to explain, interpret 46
interrasilis embossed, engraved 3
interrogatio questioning, inquiry 11
interrogo to ask, question 294
interrumpo to break apart, to interrupt 6
interruptio interruption 2