Word Meaning Occurrences
inimicitia enmity 22
inimico to make hostile 1
inimicus enemy, hostile 435
ininterpretabilis inexplicable 2
inique unjustly 28
iniquitas iniquity, injustice 515
iniquus unjust, wicked 131
initio to begin, initiate 11
initium beginning 138
injicio to throw upon, set upon 16
injungo to lay upon, enjoin 1
injuria wrong, harm 46
injuste wrongfully, unjustly 23
injustitia injustice, unrighteousness 32
injustus unjust, unrighteous 41
innitor to lean upon, rest on 15
innocens harmless, innocent 68
innocentia innocence 10
innotesco to become known 11
innovatio renewing, alteration 1
innovo to renew, restore 9
innoxius harmless, innocent 16
innumerabilis countless, innumerable 22
innumerus countless, innumerable 4
innuo to nod, give a sign 6
innuptus unmarried, unwedded 4
inobediens disobedient 5
inobedientia disobedience 7
inolesco to grow, grow upon 1
inopia lack, scarcity 24
inops poor, helpless 21
inordinate disorderly, irregularly 2
inordinatio disorder 1
inquam to say 125
inquiete restlessly 2
inquieto to disturb 4
inquietudo uneasiness, disquiet 1
inquietus restless, unquiet 6
inquilinus sojourner, guest 2
inquinamentum filth 6
inquinatio defiling 1
inquino to stain, pollute 13
inquiro to seek after, inquire into 39
inquisitio searching, examination 2
insanabilis incurable 7
insania insanity, madness 8
insanio to be mad, insane 23
insanus mad, insane 3
insatiabilis insatiable 4
insaturabilis insatiable 2
inscientia want of knowledge, ignorance 3
inscius ignorant 5
inscribo to inscribe, to write 4
inscriptio inscription 10
inscrutabilis inscrutable 4
insectatio seeking, pursuit 1
insensate foolishly 1
insensatus senseless, foolish 18
insepultus unburied 2
insequor to follow, follow after 9
insero to engraft, to insert; to sow, plant 22
inservio to be serviceable, be devoted 2
insideo to sit upon, settle on 2
insidiae ambush, plot 67
insidiator plotter, deceiver 9
insidior to lie in wait, ambush 45
insidiose cunningly deceitfully 2
insigne mark, indication 2
insignis notable, distinguished 5
insilio to leap upon, rush upon 8
insimulatus 1
insinuo to thrust in, push in 4
insipiens unwise, foolish 68
insipienter foolishly 2
insipientia foolishness, folly 19
insisto to press upon, persist 4
insolesco to become insolent 1
insolubilis 2
insomnis sleepless, wakeful 1
insono to resound 7