Word Meaning Occurrences
ineo to go into, enter 72
ineptus absurd, awkward 2
inermis unarmed 1
inertia lack of skill, idleness 1
ineruditio want of learning 1
inexcusabilis inexcusable 4
inexorabilis not to be moved by entreaty 1
inexpugnabilis impregnable 3
inexstinguibilis unquenchable 9
inexterminabilis imperishable 1
infamia ill fame, ill report 2
infamis disreputable, infamous 2
infandus unspeakable, unutterable 1
infans infant, child 55
infantia inability to speak, infancy 15
infantulus little child, baby 7
infatuo to make a fool of, infatuate 2
infecundus unfruitful 2
infelicitas misfortune, unhappiness 5
infelix unhappy, unfortunate 9
infensus hostile, angry 4
infernus lower, infernal 81
infero to bring in, bring upon 108
inferus lower, below 72
inficio to stain, to infect 5
inficior to deny 1
infidelis faithless, unbelieving 46
infidelitas unfaithfulness, faithlessness 1
infideliter faithlessly, perfidiously 1
infigo to drive in, stick 9
infinitas boundlessness, endlessness 1
infinitus infinite, boundless 17
infirmitas weakness, sickness 96
infirmiter weakly, not firmly 1
infirmo to weaken 58
infirmus weak, sick 108
inflammatio kindling, firing 1
inflammo to set on fire, inflame 11
inflatio puffing up, pride 2
infligo to strike against 1
inflo to inflate, puff up 16
influo to flow in, run in 2
infodio to bury 1
informatio representation, idea 2
informis without form, unformed 1
infra below 4
infremo to make a noise, growl 3
infreno to bridle 1
infringo to break off, break 3
infructuosus fruitless, unprofitable 7
infrunitus tasteless, senseless 2
infundo to pour in, pour upon 12
infusorium reservoir for a lamp 1
ingemisco to groan, sigh 27
ingeniosus clever, ingenious 1
ingenitus inborn, inbred 1
ingenium innate quality, disposition 2
ingens great, huge 18
ingero to carry in, rush 1
inglorius inglorious 2
ingratus disagreeable 7
ingravesco to grow heavy, be aggravated 1
ingravo to weigh down, oppress 7
ingredior to go into, go forward 607
ingressus entry, entrance 16
ingruo to fall violently upon 3
inguen groin, abdomen 3
inhabitabilis uninhabitable 8
inhabitatio inhabitation 1
inhabitator dweller, inhabitant 2
inhabito to dwell in, inhabit 63
inhibeo to hold in, hold back 1
inhio to stand open, gape 1
inhoneste dishonorably 2
inhonestus dishonorably 3
inhonoratio dishonoring 1
inhonoro to dishonor 6
inhorreo to stand erect, bristle 1
inhospitalitas inhospitality 1
inimica enemy 6