Word Meaning Occurrences
incolo to dwell, inhabit 3
incolumis unharmed, safe 5
incommunicabilis incommunicable 1
incomparabilis incomparable 2
incompositus disordered 2
incomprehensibilis incomprehensible 4
inconfusibilis that cannot be embarrassed 2
inconsideratus not considered, headstrong 1
inconstans changeable, fickle 2
inconstantia inconsistency, inconstancy 4
inconsummatio incompleteness, imperfection 1
inconsummatus incomplete, imperfect 1
inconsutilis not sewed together, seamless 2
incontaminatus undefiled, pure 7
incontinens incontinent, immoderate 2
incontinentia greediness, incontinence 2
inconveniens not accordant, unsuitable 1
incorruptela imperishableness 2
incorruptibilis imperishable, incorruptible 6
incorruptibilitas imperishableness 2
incorruptio incorruptibility, innocence 12
incorruptus unspoiled, uncorrupted 5
incrasso to make thick, stout 9
increbresco to quicken, grow 1
incredibilis incredible, unbelieving 14
incredulitas unbelief 32
incredulus unbelieving, faithless 33
incrementum growth, increase 9
increpatio reproof, rebuke 27
increpo to make a sound, to rebuke 65
incresco to grow up, grow into 6
incubo to lie upon, rest on 2
inculpabilis blameless 1
incultus untilled, uncultivated 2
incumbo to lie upon, lean upon 17
incurro to run into, run upon 5
incursio attack, incursion 1
incursus incursion, sudden attack 1
incurvo to bend over, bow down 29
incus anvil 2
incutio to strike into, inflict 2
inde from there, thence 222
indecens unseemly, indecent 2
indeclinabilis unchangeable 2
indeficiens unfailing, incessant 1
indemnatus uncondemned, unsentenced 4
indesinenter ceaselessly 2
index pointer, guide 1
india India 5
indicium sign, proof 5
indico to point out, show; to make known, declare 143
indictio declaration, tax 2
indicus of India, Indian 1
indigena sprung from the land, native 13
indigentia need, want 1
indigeo to need, lack 52
indignatio indignation, displeasure 109
indigne unworthily, indignantly 11
indignor to be angry, indignant 37
indignus unworthy, undeserving 9
indisciplinatus undisciplined, disorderly 9
indoctus unlearned, ignorant 10
indoles inborn quality, natural talent 2
indomabilis untamable 1
indomitus untamed, wild 2
induco to bring, lead in 111
indulco to make sweet 3
indulgentia indulgence, forbearance 6
indulgeo to be indulgent, favorable 4
indumentum clothing, garment 14
induo to put on, clothe 160
induro to make hard, to become hard 38
indus of India, Indian 2
industria diligence, activity 9
industrie diligently 2
industrius diligent, active 4
inebrio to make drunk, inebriate 51
inedia fasting, hunger 1
ineffugibilis unavoidable, inevitable 1
inenarrabilis indescribable 9