Word Meaning Occurrences
impono to place upon 197
importabilis unbearable 2
importo to bring in, introduce 2
importune inopportunely, out of season 3
importunus inopportune, unreasonable 3
impositio placing upon, imposition 8
impossibilis impossible 30
impotens powerless, impotent 3
impraesentiarum at present 3
imprecatio imprecation, invoking of evil 1
imprecor to call down upon 4
imprimo to press upon, press against 1
improbitas wickedness, depravity 2
improbus bad, wicked 2
improperium reproach, taunt 27
impropero to reproach, upbraid 13
improvisus unforeseen 2
imprudens imprudent, rash 22
imprudentia ignorance, imprudence 2
impudens shameless 2
impudenter shamelessly, impudently 1
impudice shamelessly, unchastely 1
impudicitia shamelessness, immodesty 11
impugno to fight against, attack 7
impune unpunished 2
impunitus unpunished 4
impuritas uncleanness, impurity 1
imputo to reckon, attribute 17
imputribilis not liable to decay 1
in in, into 27139
inaccessibilis unapproachable, inaccessible 2
inaccessus unapproached, inaccessible 1
inaestimabilis inestimable, invaluable 1
inalto to raise, exalt 2
inambulo to walk up and down 3
inane empty thing, vanity 7
inanis empty, vain 33
inaniter vainly, idly 2
inaquosus lacking water 7
inargento to overlay with silver 4
inauditus unheard-of, strange 2
inauris earring 17
inauro to overlay with gold 9
inauxiliatus unaided, helpless 1
incalesco to grow hot 7
incanesco to turn white, turn gray 1
incantatio incantation, enchantment 6
incantator sorcerer, wizard 6
incanto to charm, bewitch 2
incassum in vain, to no purpose 3
incastratura mortise, tenon 3
incautus incautious, improvident 1
incedo to go, walk 42
incendium burning, conflagration 15
incendo to set fire to, kindle 41
incensio burning 1
incensum incense, sacrifice 85
incentor one who intones, inciter 1
incertus uncertain 14
incessabilis unceasing, incessant 2
incessus going, walking 4
incestus unclean, impure 1
inchoatio beginning 2
inchoo to lay the foundation of, begin 2
incido to fall in, fall upon; to cut into, cut through 53
incipio to begin 92
incircumcisus uncircumcised 38
incisura cutting into, incision 1
incito to incite, encourage 6
inclamo to give a cry, make a call 2
inclaresco to grow splendid, become famous 1
inclino to bend, bow 93
includo to shut up, shut in 15
inclusor one who enchases, inlays 2
inclytus celebrated, glorious 28
incoenatus without eating dinner, hungry 1
incognitus not examined, untried 1
incoinquinatus undefiled 4
incola inhabitant, resident 5
incolatus residing, dwelling in a place 5