Word Meaning Occurrences
illusio mockery, illusion 4
illusor scoffer, mocker 11
illustratio illustration, lighting up 2
illustris clear, bright 2
illustro to light up, make light 4
illuvies filth, uncleanness 1
illyricum Illyricum 2
imago image, likeness 74
imbecillis weak, feeble 7
imbecillitas feebleness, infirmity 4
imbecillus weak, feeble 1
imber rain 35
imitator imitator, follower 14
imitor to imitate, copy 19
immaculatus unstained, spotless 85
immanis monstrous, enormous 1
immarcescibilis unfading 4
immaturus untimely, unripe 1
immemor unmindful, forgetful 3
immemoratio forgetfulness, unmindfulness 1
immensus immeasurable, boundless 15
immineo to be imminent, threaten 18
imminuo to less, diminish 11
immisericors pitiless, merciless 1
immissio sending upon, intervention 1
immitis harsh, rough 3
immitto to put in, insert 37
immo on the contrary, rather 8
immobilis immovable 15
immobilitas immovableness 2
immoderatus boundless, immoderate 1
immolo to immolate, sacrifice 193
immortalis undying, immortal 5
immortalitas immortality 11
immunditia uncleanness, impurity 61
immundus unclean 172
immunis free, immune 8
immunitas freedom, exemption 1
immunitus unfortified, undefended 1
immutabilis unchangeable 1
immutatio interchange, substitution 3
immuto to change, alter 44
imparatus not ready, unprepared 2
impartior 2
impatiens impatient, intolerant 5
impatientia lack of endurance, impatience 1
impedimentum hindrance, impediment 4
impedio to hinder, prevent 19
impeditus hindered, embarrassed 1
impello to push, drive 6
impendeo to hang over, impend 2
impendium outlay, cost 2
impendo to weigh out, lay out 6
impensa expense, cost 9
imperator commander in chief, general 1
imperatorius belonging to a general, imperial 1
imperfectus unfinished, incomplete 1
imperitia inexperience, ignorance 2
imperitus inexperienced, unversed 4
imperium command, rule 92
impero to command, order 85
impertio to share with, give a part 2
impertior to share with, impart 3
impetigo scabby eruption of the skin 2
impetro to achieve, obtain 4
impetus attack, violence 63
impie impiously, wickedly 20
impietas irreverence, ungodliness 55
impiger diligent 1
impingo to thrust upon, strike against 15
impinguo to fatten 12
impius irreverent, wicked 282
implano to deceive, delude 2
impleo to fill, fulfill 343
implico to entangle, involve 4
imploro to invoke with tears, appeal to 1
impluo 1
impoenitens impenitent 2
impolitus unpolished, rough 4
impollutus unstained 4