Word Meaning Occurrences
venerabilis worthy of respect, venerable 7
veneratio reverence, veneration 3
veneror to reverence, worship 2
venia indulgence, kindness 6
venio to come 3019
venor to hunt 5
venter belly 93
ventilabrum implement for winnowing grain 5
ventilator winnower, one who winnows grain 1
ventilo to fan, winnow 27
ventosus full of wind, windy 1
ventriculus belly 1
ventus wind 162
venundo to sell 29
venustus charming, pleasing 1
vepres thorn bush, brier 9
ver spring, springtime 1
verax true, truthful 22
verber lash, whip 4
verbero to beat, strike 12