Word Meaning Occurrences
umquam at any time, ever 26
una at the same time, together 3
unanimis of one mind, unanimous 16
unanimiter with one mind, unanimously 14
uncia a twelfth, inch 2
uncinus hook 9
unctio anointing 24
unda wave, billow 1
unde whence, wherefore 199
undecim eleven 28
undecimus eleventh 26
undecumque from wherever 1
undique from all sides, everywhere 33
ungo to anoint 106
unguentaria female dealer in ointments 1
unguentarius dealer in unguents, perfumer 3
unguentum ointment 55
unguis fingernail, toenail 4
ungula hoof, claw 23
unicolor of one color 1