Word Meaning Occurrences
tumultuosus full of confusion, tumultuous 1
tumultus tumult, disturbance 44
tumulus hill, mound 23
tunc then 567
tundo to beat, strike 4
tunica tunic, coat 71
turba turmoil, mob 363
turbatio confusion, disorder 7
turbidus confused, disordered 2
turbo to disturb, trouble; whirlwind, storm 96
turbulentus full of commotion, turbulent 1
turgeo to swell out, be swollen 3
turma troop, crowd 57
turpis ugly, foul 21
turpiter in an unseemly manner, shamefully 3
turpitudo foulness, shame 37
turris tower 78
turtur turtle dove 17
tutamentum defense, protection 1
tute safely 1