Word Meaning Occurrences
trophimus Trophimus 6
trucido to cut to pieces, butcher 12
trulla ladle, scoop 4
trunco to maim, mutilate 1
truncus trunk, stem; maimed, dismembered 4
tryphaena Tryphaena 2
tryphon Tryphon 20
tryphosa Tryphosa 2
tu you 10227
tuba trumpet 127
tubalcain Tubalcain 2
tubianaeus Tubianite 1
tubin Tubin 1
tueor to look at, gaze upon 3
tugurium hut, cottage 1
tumeo to swell, be swollen 9
tumesco to swell up 1
tumidus swollen, puffed up 2
tumor swelling, pride 4
tumultuor to make a disturbance, that 5