Word Meaning Occurrences
tripolis Tripolis 1
tripudium dancing, favorable omen 1
triremis having three banks of oars 1
triste sad, sorrowful 4
tristega third story 2
tristis sad, sorrowful 33
tristitia sadness 63
tristor to be sad 3
triticeus of wheat 4
triticum wheat 61
tritura rubbing, chafing 5
trituro to thresh 14
tritus worn, well-trodden 2
triumphalis of a triumph, triumphal 1
triumphator one who triumphs, conqueror 1
triumpho to triumph, march in triumphal procession 7
trivium meeting of three ways, crossroads 1
troas Troas 12
troglodytes Troglodytes 1
trophaeum memorial of victory, trophy 2