Word Meaning Occurrences
tribulus thistle 10
tribunal judgement seat 27
tribunus tribune, captain 66
tribuo to give, bestow 71
tribus tribe 391
tributarius subject to tribute 11
tributum tribute 51
triclinium dining couch, dining room 3
trico to trifle, to dally 1
tridens trident, fork 4
triduum space of three days 22
triennis three years old 1
triennium space of three years 5
trieris trireme, ship with three banks of oars 4
trigesimus thirtieth 22
triginta thirty 184
trimus of three winters, three years old 1
triplex threefold, triple 2
tripliciter threefold, in three ways 2
triplico to multiply by three, triple 1