Word Meaning Occurrences
transtrum crossbeam, rower's bench 1
transvado to cross over 1
transveho to carry across, convey over 1
transverbero to thrust through, stab through 1
transverto to turn away, divert 2
transvolo to fly over 3
trecenti three hundred 73
tredecim thirteen 13
tremebundus trembling, quivering 3
tremefacio to cause to shake, agitate 6
tremesco to tremble at, dread 1
tremo to shake, tremble 17
tremor trembling, shaking 30
trepidatio confused hurry, alarm 1
trepido to hurry with alarm, to waver 5
trepidus restless, agitated 2
tres three 471
tribula threshing sledge 2
tribulatio distress, trouble 190
tribulo to afflict 42