Word Meaning Occurrences
traditor traitor, betrayer 2
trado to hand over, give up 661
traduco to lead over, to expose 29
traductio exposure, public disgrace 4
tragelaphus wild goat or antelope 1
traha sleigh, sled 1
traho to drag, draw 53
trajectio transferring, exchange 1
trames path, byway 3
tranquillitas quietness, stillness 8
tranquillus calm, still 3
trans across, beyond 128
transcendo to pass over, surpass 6
transcensus passage, pass 1
transeo to go over, cross 464
transfero to transfer, convey 125
transfigo to pierce through 3
transfiguro to change in shape, transform 13
transfodio to run through, transfix 1
transformo to change in shape, transform 2