Word Meaning Occurrences
γράφω write 191
שֶׁמֶן oil 191
בְּהֵמָה animals; cattle 190
שֵׁבֶט rod, staff; tribe 190
tribulatio distress, trouble 190
sempiternus everlasting 190
spes hope 190
רום be high, haughty, exalted 189
similiter likewise 189
proficiscor to set out, depart 189
גלה reveal 188
רֵעַ friend, fellow 187
אֹזֶן ear 187
sion Sion, Zion 187
κόσμος, ου, ὁ order; the world 186
אבד perish, be killed 186
quadraginta forty 186
projicio to cast forth, throw down 186
ideo for that reason 186
סֵפֶר book, writing 185