Word Meaning Occurrences
tango to touch 202
secundus following, second 202
extendo to stretch out 201
grex flock, herd 201
agnus lamb 201
ἰδού behold, look 200
לָכֵן therefore 200
כָּבוֹד weight, honour, glory 200
contero to grind, crush 200
ⲙⲟⲩ death, dead (m.); to die 200
ܫܠܡ die; obey; deliver 200
ܩܒܠ appeal to 200
unde whence, wherefore 199
operio to cover, clothe 198
senior elder 198
possessio holding, possession 198
propterea therefore 198
jonathas Jonathan 198
ⲟⲩⲇⲉ and not 198
impono to place upon 197