Word Meaning Occurrences
salvo to save, make whole 211
δύναμαι can, be able 210
אהב love 210
praeceptum commandment, precept 210
confundo to confound, confuse 210
ⲧⲟⲟⲩ mountain (m.) 210
apprehendo to take hold of 209
absque without, except 209
θέλω will; wish to have 208
οὕτως in this manner 208
habitator occupant, inhabitant 208
ϣⲟⲟⲡ to become, come into being, happen 208
patior to bear, suffer 207
plaga blow, wound; quarter, region 207
ܣܡ put, place 207
כלה complete, finish 206
צַדִּיק in the right, just, guiltless 206
gaudium joy 206
exaudio to hear clearly, listen to 206
invicem one another, mutually 206