Word Meaning Occurrences
עזב leave, abandon 214
נטה stretch out, spread out, bend 214
מַחֲנֶה camp, encampment 214
suscito to raise up 214
tenebrae darkness 214
מַלְאָךְ messenger, angel 213
יוֹסֵף Joseph 213
נצל deliver, take away 213
jordanis the Jordan 213
oleum oil, olive oil 213
foedus covenant, compact; foul, loathsome 213
ⲛⲏⲩ to be coming, about to come 213
יסף add, continue, increase 212
שׁכב lie down 212
supra above 212
statim at once, immediately 212
mane morning, early; mane 212
oratio speech, prayer 212
fortitudo strength, fortitude 212
מִנְחָה offering (grain); gift 211