Word Meaning Occurrences
ܢܡܘܣܐ Law 224
מוֹעֵד place for meeting; appointed time 223
אֲדָמָה land, soil 223
נַחֲלָה possession, inheritance 223
כתב write, write down 223
bestia beast, wild animal 223
ܛܒܐ good 223
ܡܕܝܢܬܐ city 223
ܣܒܪ think, suppose 223
ܕܝܠ own 223
ܠܝܬ is not 223
γινώσκω know 222
inde from there, thence 222
pharao Pharaoh 221
ⲟⲩⲱϣⲃ to answer 221
ὑπό by, from (s G); under (with A) 220
אֵם mother 220
תּוֹרָה instruction 220
nascor to be born 220
numerus number 220