Word Meaning Occurrences
בַּד part, portion; solitude 230
vel or, even 230
זֶרַע seed 229
ܢܣܒ take 229
cogito to think, ponder 228
οὐδείς, οὐδεμία, οὐδέν no one, nothing 227
לַיְלָה night 227
קֶרֶב interior, midst 227
oportet it is necessary 227
ܙܒܢܐ time, period 227
peccator transgressor, sinner 226
centum a hundred 226
reliquus left over, remaining 226
בקשׁ seek 225
joseph Joseph 225
abscondo to hide, conceal 225
divido to separate, divide 225
murus wall, city wall 225
רבה become numerous, multiply 224
ⲛϩⲏⲧ in me 224