Word Meaning Occurrences
אַמָּה doorpost; forearm; cubit 247
רֶגֶל foot, leg 247
teneo to hold, grasp 247
ϣⲁ festival, feast (m.); to rise 246
חֶסֶד kindness, love 245
ejicio to cast out, drive out 245
familia family, household 245
חַיִל power, army 244
magis more, rather 244
derelinquo to abandon, leave behind 244
salus health, welfare 244
ܫܡܐ name 244
ܩܪܒ near 244
ἐκεῖνος, η, ο that 243
μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα large, great 243
πίστις, εως, ἡ faith 243
introeo to go in, enter 243
ܫܐܠ ask 243
adversum against, toward 242
πιστεύω believe 241