Word Meaning Occurrences
nescio not to know, be ignorant 274
circuitus circuit, environment 274
holocaustum whole burnt-offering 274
οὐρανός, οῦ, ὁ heaven 273
אֶבֶן stone 273
vinum wine 273
ܨܒܐ will, desire 273
לְמַעַן for the sake of, on account of, for the purpose of 272
ܐܪܥܐ earth, land 272
מִדְבָּר wilderness, desert 271
ultra beyond, further 271
בָּשָׂר body; flesh, meat 270
dormio to sleep, to fall asleep 270
sabbatum sabbath, week 270
ⲥⲟⲟⲩⲛ knowledge (m.); to know 270
ܗܐ behold! 270
appareo to appear 269
argentum silver, money 269
sive or if, whether 268
dux leader, chief 267