Word Meaning Occurrences
abeo to go away, depart 507
חָמֵשׁ five (masculine) 506
תַּחַת under 505
קוֹל voice, sound 505
ὡς as, like 504
gladius sword 504
εἰ if 502
נכה strike, smite 500
οὖν so, therefore 499
panis bread 499
פֶּה mouth 498
tabernaculum tent, tabernacle 496
aedifico to build, edify 495
צוה order 494
justitia justice, righteousness 494
ܫܡܥ hear, obey 494
exeo to go out 493
ילד beget, give birth 492
ܡܕܡ something 492
אֶלֶף thousand 491