Word Meaning Occurrences
ansa handle, haft 9
anob Anob 1
annuus lasting a year, annual 2
annus year 919
annuo to nod, wink 15
annuntio to announce, proclaim; to announce, report 144
annuntiator announcer 2
annuntiatio announcing, announcement 4
annumero to add to, count 7
annulus ring 43
annullo to annihilate, annul 2
annualis of one year, a year old 1
annona yearly produce, provisions 7
anniversarius annual, yearly 1
anniculus a year old, yearling 54
annas Annas 8
annalis chronicle, history 2
anna Anna, Hannah 25
animus mind, spirit 130
animositas spirit, wrath 6
animans animate, living 24
animalis animate, living 12
animal animal, living creature 107
animaequus not easily moved, of good courage 9
animadverto to take heed, give attention to 16
anima soul 1025
anim Anim 1
anilis of an old woman 2
aniam Aniam 1
ania Ania 1
ani Ani 2
angustus narrow 17
angustio to make narrow, to distress 14
angustia narrowness, difficulty 69
angulus angle, corner 78
angularis belonging to corners, angular 7
ango to draw close, press tight 1
angelus angel 514
angelicus of angels, angelic 1
ange Ange 1