Word Meaning Occurrences
appositio setting before, application 1
apporto to carry, convey 2
appono to place near, to add 62
applico to bring into contact, to land 60
applaudo to strike, clap 1
appius Appius 2
appia Appia 2
apphus Apphus 1
apphaim Apphaim 2
appeto to strive for, reach after 6
appetitus longing, eager desire 2
appetitor one that strives for, coveter 2
appendo to suspend, to weight out 60
appello to name, call upon 82
apparitor servant, public servant 1
appareo to appear 269
apparatus preparation, provisions 9
apotheca repository, storehouse 4
apostolus apostle 160
apostolatus apostleship, apostolate 10
apostatrix female apostate 1
apostato to forsake one’s religion, apostatize 2
apostata apostate 2
aporior to doubt, waver 4
aporia doubt, perplexity 1
apollyon Apollyon 2
apollophanes Apollophanes 1
apollonius Apollonius 13
apollonia Apollonia 2
apollo Apollo 20
apocalypsis disclosing, revelation 4
apis bee 5
aphutheus Aphuthite 1
aphses Aphses 1
aphonites Aphonite 1
aphia Aphia 1
apheca Apheca 2
aphec Aphec 8
apharsathachaeus Apharsathachite 1
apharsaeus Apharsite 1