Word Meaning Occurrences
aratrum plow 6
arator plowman 2
aratiuncula small arable field 1
ararites Ararite 2
arari Arari 1
ararat Ararat 2
arapha Arapha 4
aranea spider 5
aran Aran 8
arama Arama 2
aram Aram 16
araia Araia 1
aradus Aradus 1
aradius of Arad, of Aradus 4
arada Arada 1
arad Arad 3
arachites Arachite 5
arach Arach 1
aracaeus Aracite 2
arabs Arabian, Arab 18
arabia Arabia 11
araba Araba 2
arab Arab 1
araas Araas 1
ara altar; Ara 55
ar Ar 6
aquilo north wind, the north 142
aquila eagle, aquila 50
aquaticus belonging to water, watery 1
aquaeductus aqueduct 12
aqua water 786
apud with, at 411
aptus fit, suitable 25
apto to adapt, fit 11
approximo to be or draw near to, approach 2
appropio to approach, come near 15
appropinquo to come near, approach 142
approbo to assent to, favor 3
appretio to estimate the value, appraise 5
apprehendo to take hold of 209