Word Meaning Occurrences
asphar Asphar 1
aspersio sprinkling 6
aspernor to disdain, reject 2
aspernatio disdain, contempt 1
aspergo to sprinkle 48
aspere roughly, harshly 1
asper rough, uneven 10
aspectus sight, appearance 49
asoth Asoth 1
asor Asor 18
asom Asom 3
asnaa Asnaa 1
asmodaeus Asmodeus 1
aslia Aslia 1
asir Asir 4
asiongaber Asiongaber 6
asinus ass 100
asinarius pertaining to asses 4
asina she-ass 41
asima Asima 1
asiel Asiel 1
asianus Asian 3
asia Asia (Roman province), Asia Minor 45
asergadda Asergadda 1
aser Aser 46
aseneth Aseneth 3
asenaphar Asenaphar 1
asena Asena 2
asemona Asemona 3
asem Asēm 1
asellus little ass, ass’s colt 3
asel Asel 6
asedoth Asedoth 4
asebaim Asebaim 1
ascribo to write in addition, add 3
ascopera leathern bag, sack 1
ascia axe, hatchet 2
ascensus ascent, approach 21
ascensor rider, charioteer 19
ascensio rising, ascent 5