Word Meaning Occurrences
attendo to attend, give heed 88
attamen nevertheless 15
attalus Attalus 1
attalia Attalia 2
attacus a kind of locust 1
atrociter savagely, fiercely 1
atrium hall, court 145
atriolum small hall, antechamber 4
atramentum ink 7
atramentarium inkstand, inkpot 3
atque and also 978
athmatha Athmatha 1
athersatha Athersatha 5
ather Ather 1
athenobius Athenobius 3
atheniensis Athenian 5
athenae Athens 8
athar Athar 1
athanai Athanai 1
athalias Athalias 1
athalia Athalia 13
athalai Athalai 1
athaias Athaias 1
athach Athach 4
atha come 2
ater Ater 4
ataroth Ataroth 6
atara Atara 1
atad Atad 1
at but, yet 415
asyncritus Asyncritus 2
asylum place of refuge, sanctuary 1
astyages Astyages 1
astutus shrewd, cunning 9
astutia shrewdness, cunning 13
astrum star, constellation 6
astringo to bind on, tie fast 6
asto to stand, stand by 48
astarothites Astarothite 1
astarothcarnaim Astarothcarnaim 1