Word Meaning Occurrences
aura air, breeze 7
aula court, hall 10
augustus imperial, august; augustus, imperial 5
auguror to practice augury, interpret omens 3
augurium augury 7
auguratrix female soothsayer 1
augur augur, diviner 4
augmentum increase, growth 6
augeo to increase, enlarge 30
aufugio to flee away, run away 2
aufero to take away 367
auditus hearing, sense of hearing 46
auditorium hall 2
auditor hearer 12
auditio hearing, hearsay 9
audio to hear 2039
audeo to dare, be bold 69
audenter boldly 2
audax daring, bold 7
audacter boldly, daringly 11
audacia boldness, daring 8
aucupium bird-catching, fowling 1
auctoritas power, authority 1
auctor author, originator 13
auceps bird-catcher, fowler 3
attribuo to assign, allot 2
attrecto to touch, handle 4
attraho to draw, pull 8
attonitus thunderstruck, stunned 3
attondo 2
attondeo to shave, shear 4
attollo to lift up, raise up 3
attingo to touch, to reach 8
attineo to reach, to pertain 2
attestatio attesting, attestation 1
attero to rub away, wear out 23
attenuo to reduce, weaken 14
attentus attentive, intent 2
attentio application, attentiveness 1
attente carefully, attentively 3