Word Meaning Occurrences
beatitudo bliss, blessedness 7
beatifico to make happy, to bless 7
bean bean 1
bdellium costly aromatic gum of the vine-palm 2
baziothia Baziothia 1
bazatha Bazatha 1
bavai Bavai 1
bauramites Bauramite 1
batus bath, Hebrew liquid measure 10
batillum shovel, fire pan 1
bathuel Bathuel 9
basis base, foot 91
basiliscus basilisk 1
basilica basilica, hall 4
basemath Basemath 7
bascath Bascath 1
bascama Bascama 1
basan Basan 55
basaias Basaias 1
baruch Baruch 27
bartimaeus Bartimeus 2
bartholomaeus Bartholomew 8
barsaith Barsaith 1
barsabas Barsabas 4
barnabas Barnabas 58
barjesu Barjesu 2
baria Baria 7
bared bared 1
barbarus of strange speech, foreign 15
barbare barbarously, rudely 1
barba beard 19
barathrum abyss, chasm 1
barasa Barasa 1
baraia Baraia 1
barad Barad 1
barachias Barachias 13
barachia Barachia 1
barachel Barachel 2
baracha Baracha 1
barach Barach 1