Word Meaning Occurrences
bernice Bernice 6
berith Berith 1
beria Beria 3
beri Beri 1
berea Berea 1
bercos Bercos 2
bera Bera 2
beor Beor 10
beon Beon 1
benzoheth Benzoheth 1
benomi Benomi 1
bennui Bennui 5
bennoi Bennoi 1
benno Benno 1
benni Benni 1
benjamin Benjamin 167
benignus kind, good 16
benignitas kindness, friendliness 14
benigne kindly 7
benhur Benhur 1
benhesed Benhesed 1
benhail Benhail 1
bengaber Bengaber 1
benevolentia goodwill, benevolence 1
benesonans melodious 1
beneplacitus acceptable, pleasing 8
beneplacitum good pleasure 7
beneplaceo to please, pleasing 8
benennom Benennom 2
benejaacan Benejaacan 2
beneficus generous 2
beneficium favor, kindness 15
beneficentia kindness, practical goodwill 2
benefactum good deed 5
benefacio to do good, benefit 70
benedictus blessed 91
benedictio blessing, praising 139
benedico to speak well of, bless 435
bene well 185
bendecar Bendecar 1