Word Meaning Occurrences
detestatio invocation of a curse 1
detestabilis execrable, abominable 2
deterreo to frighten off, deter 4
determino to enclose, bound 1
deterius worse 2
deterior worse 14
detentio detaining, abiding 1
desursum from above 9
desuper above, from above 75
desum to be absent, be wanting 60
desudo to sweat, make great exertion 1
destruo to tear down, destroy 145
destructio destruction 6
destitutio abandonment, desertion 2
destituo to forsake 9
destino to determine, appoint 9
destinatus fixed, determined 3
destinatum mark, aim 2
desterno to free from its covering, unsaddle 1
dessau Dessau 1