Word Meaning Occurrences
dicto to dictate, direct 1
dictio speech, utterance 1
dico to say 8769
dibongad Dibongad 1
dibon Dibon 11
diana Diana 10
diadema diadem, crown 27
diaconus deacon 6
diabolus devil 76
diabolicus devilish, diabolical 3
dextraliolum little bracelet 1
dextrale bracelet 2
dextera right hand 238
dexter right, on the right side 70
devoveo to vow, devote 7
devotus devoted, faithful 3
devotio self-sacrifice, offering 2
devotatio making of vows, consecration 1
devoro to swallow up, devour 165
devoratrix she that devours 1